Board of Directors 

Mrs. Lisa Bradfield Powers - Chair

Dr. David Levine - Past Chair

William Morgan - Chair Elect

Mr. Brian Luedtke – Secretary

Mrs. Bridget Alcide – Treasurer

Mrs. Teresa Abell

Mr. William Bray

Mr. Ronnie Bridges

Ms. Marie A. Brooks

Dr. Alice Budge

Mr. Neil Clark

Ms. Sherricka Day

Mrs. Corrin Riley Duckworth

Rev. Dr. Cindy Garrard

Mr. John Hargrove

Mrs. Barbara Kennon

Mrs. Len Kilgore

Mr. F. Clason Kyle

Ms. Jennafer Lester

Mr. Joe McClure

Mrs. Eliza Morrill

Mrs. JoRhee Pezold

Ms. LaTivia Rivers

Mr. Frank B. Schley III

Ms. Iris Tate

Mrs. Sally L. Turner

Board of Trustees

Mr. Frank B. Schley III - Chair

Mr. F. Clason Kyle - Honorary Chair

Mr. Newton Aaron

Mrs. James J.W. Biggers Jr.

Mrs. Mary Bradley

Mr. Steven T. Butler

Mrs. Pam Feagle

Mr. J.W. “Bill” Feighner Jr.

Mr. Thomas H. Flournoy

Mr. Frank D. Foley III

Mrs. Barbara Kennon

Mr. Joe McClure

Mrs. Elizabeth C. Ogie

Mr. Mathews D. Swift

Mr. Perrin C. Trotter

Mrs. Sally L. Turner

Mrs. Dusty Welborn

Original Springer Opera House Board of Trustees, who saved the Springer from the Wrecking Ball in 1964

Original Springer Opera House Board of Trustees, who saved the Springer from the Wrecking Ball in 1964