Springer Opera House announces GivingTuesday campaign leading up to the GLOBAL day of giving on December 1st, 2020

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Springer Opera House Joins the Global GivingTuesday Movement to Raise $10,000 on December 1st

Columbus, GA - This GivingTuesday, Springer Opera House will celebrate giving by taking you back to some of their favorite moments in Springer history in hopes of reminding the community of their significance and the importance of live theatre produced RIGHT HERE in Columbus, Georgia. With a lofty goal of $10,000, the Springer hopes to engage the entire community through this initiative. Throughout November leading up to the event, you will hear from the community, the staff, some of their favorite stage actors, and the board on their social media outlets on the importance of the Springer, why donating is so essential right now, and they will take a stroll down memory lane with highlights from shows in the past.

GivingTuesday, taking place on December 1, 2020, is a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities, and organizations to encourage donations and celebrate generosity worldwide. Every year, on GivingTuesday, millions of people worldwide (almost 60 countries) mobilize to show up, give back, and change their communities. The goal is to create a massive wave of generosity that lasts well beyond that day and touches every person on the planet.

Since the global COVID-19 pandemic shut down in March, the Springer canceled the remainder of the 2019-20 season, the 2020 summer session of the Springer Theatre Academy, and numerous facility rentals. Ticket sales, education programs, and special events account for 73% of the theatre's annual income. 

While in shutdown, the Springer staff meticulously planned innovative ways to continue to bring Columbus and the surrounding areas top-quality entertainment while keeping patron safety top priority. The robust safety plan includes a considerable reduction in audience capacity, installation of MERV 11 filters, and ultraviolet lighting in HVAC equipment, along with the purchasing disinfecting foggers and electrostatic sprayers for cleaning. These measures have gutted the Springer's budget, and revenue has come to a virtual halt, except for a few small events held outside with minimal capacity. 

Springer's Director of Development, Tate LeClair, said, "This year's GivingTuesday is extra special to us. At a time where ticket sales and education revenues are very slow, we are relying heavily on donations to keep our doors open, staff employed, and our beautiful building in good condition. We need donations of any size now to help us get through the winter. Give now, and give from the heart!"

Founded in 2012, GivingTuesday has inspired millions of people to give back and support the causes they care about most. Over $400 million was raised online in 2018 to benefit a tremendously broad range of organizations. Much more was given in volunteer hours, donations of food and clothing, and acts of kindness.

"When GT launched in the US in 2012, we believed that technology and social media could be used to make generosity go viral," said Asha Curran, GivingTuesday's CEO, and co-founder. "We believed in the idea that people fundamentally want to give and to talk about giving; and that the social sector had the capacity to show more innovative leadership, creativity, and collaboration. People and organizations around the world proved us right. As we prepare for December 3, we're energized and encouraged by the community's generosity. The levels of creativity, effort, and the quality of the new ideas people have contributed and shared are phenomenal."

Those who are interested in joining Springer's GivingTuesday initiative can visit www.springeroperahouse.org/GivingTuesday/. For more details about the GivingTuesday movement, visit the GivingTuesday website (www.givingtuesday.org), Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/GivingTuesday) or follow @GivingTuesday and the #GivingTuesday hashtag on Twitter.


The Springer Opera House is a producing theatre company that operates out of a beautiful 149-year-old National Historic Landmark, one of only seven producing theatres in the country, housed in a historic landmark. The Springer Opera House is also home to the Springer Theatre Academy, an education program that offers classes year-round and hosts students from across the southeast. In 1964 the Springer Opera House was saved from demolition by a local group of patrons of the arts who helped to restore and reopen the theatre. It was named the State Theatre of Georgia by Gov. Jimmy Carter for the 100th Anniversary Season in 1971. Since then, the board, staff, and volunteers have been dedicated to their mission of making every aspect of the performing arts a tool for education, participation, entertainment, and growth while using, restoring, and preserving this National Historic Landmark as a part of a working theater and museum complex.


GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organizations, businesses, and communities in all 50 states and countries around the world. GivingTuesday harnesses the collective power of a unique blend of partners to transform how people think about, talk about, and participate in the giving season. It inspires people to take collective action to improve their communities, give back in better, smarter ways to the charities and causes they believe in, and help create a better world. GivingTuesday demonstrates how every act of generosity counts and that they mean even more when we give together.

To learn more about GivingTuesday and the Springer's GivingTuesday Initiatives, please visit:

Website: www.springeroperahouse.org/givingtuesday/

Facebook: www.facebook.com/springeroperahouse

Instagram: www.instagram.com/springeroperahouse