Springer Theatre Awarded $60,000 in 2024-25 Fox Gives Grants

Funding Will Allow Restoration, Repair, and Upgrades to the Historic Building

The Springer Opera House has been awarded $60,000 in funding as part of the historic Fox Theatre’s 2024-2025 Fox Gives Grant Program. The funds will support the Forever Springer Project, a massive investment into historic preservation at the State Theatre of Georgia over the next few years. With funding received this year, the Springer will replace its second main building chiller and upgrade its control software, restore the historic heart of pine windows, repair and restore the Grand Lobby entrance doors, and more. Through its nonprofit partnerships program, Fox Gives, the Fox Theatre is committed to strengthening communities and preserving historic institutions while supporting local theaters through financial investments. 

“The investment by Fox Gives will have a significant impact on the historic structure and our community at large,” said Springer Opera House Director of Development Tate LeClair. “Operating a producing theatre company out of a fragile national historic landmark frequently drains profits from productions and educational programs to pay for emergency repairs. The award from Fox Gives–matched with the generous support of donors to the Forever Springer Capital Campaign–will keep programs affordable and accessible by allowing us to make meaningful historic preservation strides this fiscal year.”

Since its inception in 2008, Fox Gives has expanded its philanthropic efforts, doubling its financial commitment to preserving historic theaters and venues across Georgia and the Southeast. To date, it has awarded over $3.7 million to more than 70 historic theaters, addressing a diverse range of grant categories, including emergency needs, historic structure studies or planning, technical assistance and preservation. Providing up to $500,000 annually, these funds foster economic development and cultural vitality, revitalizing community hubs and downtown areas throughout the region.

“We've reaffirmed our mission to preserve and share both at the Fox Theatre and across Georgia,” said Fox Gives Director of Community Partnerships Leigh Burns. “We’re proud to build on 16 years of preservation projects and remain committed to inspiring future generations of preservationists.”

The community partnerships division of the Fox Theatre also manages several additional outreach initiatives, such as Fox in a Box, a complimentary educational program for Georgia's elementary schools; Georgia Presenters, a unique statewide talent booking network; and the All-Access Pass Program, to enrich performing arts experiences while encouraging the next generation of theater supporters and professionals.

Learn more about donating to the Springer, the State Theatre of Georgia!

Jhai James