Help preserve the Springer with your very own star!
Pledge to Preserve History
The historic building that houses the Springer Theatre Academy is more than just a physical structure - it’s a symbol of our community's rich cultural heritage and a vital hub for artistic expression. Your support is needed to ensure that this iconic building remains a thriving center of creativity and inspiration for generations to come. Your pledge will help maintain and enhance this beloved institution and allow us to continue to provide high-quality performing arts education and experiences.
Invest in the Future
A pledge of $2600 secures your place in history by "naming a star" and preserving an important piece of history. In addition to honoring a name you choose, it's also an investment in the future of Academy students.
With your pledge you will receive your own personalized STAR that will be installed permanently on the walls of the Education Studio Building that houses Springer Theatre Academy classes all year long.
With your pledge, you can:
Honor an Academy student
Honor a child or grandchild
Memorialize a loved one
Honor a favorite teacher or mentor
Honor a Drama Club or Thespian troupe
Honor a fellow actor or student
Express YOUR support for the Academy
This campaign seeks gifts and pledges over a 3-5 year period. All gifts are tax-deductable to the extent allowed by law. Gifts of cash, securities, and other marketable property are gratefully received.
Make your pledge with a recurring donation today.
$2600 TOTAL
5 Year Pledge - $520.00 per year OR $44.00 per month
4 Year Pledge - $650.00 per year OR $55.00 per month
3 Year Pledge - $867.00 per year OR $72.00 per month