Springer Costume Shop Helps Combat Coronavirus
“Our last production was Singin’ in the Rain and now it’s face masks.”
With the remainder of the Springer season canceled due to social distancing, Springer Resident Costume Designer, Sandy Dawson focused her attention from designing for the stage to designing for the emergency room. With the nationwide shortage of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment), hospitals across the county have reached out to unconventional suppliers to help create masks and gowns for patients. Dawson leaped at the chance to help the community.
Dawson partnered with Piedmont Regional Healthcare to create an approved pattern for a mask that can be worn by patients in their emergency room facilities. She along with Springer First Hand, Elizabeth Verslues then got to work creating masks kits that include all of the materials needed to create the Piedmont approved design. Along with an army of volunteer stitchers sewing masks from their homes, the Springer Costume Shop has delivered over 660 masks in two weeks with more on the way.
“Our last production was Singin’ in the Rain and now it’s face masks,” said Dawson. “These are not just masks, they are a piece of the Springer. Each mask is made from fabrics from costumes from past shows and then stitched by Springer staff and volunteers.”
If you would like to help the Springer sew masks, contact Allie Kent at akent@springeroperahouse.org.